Les "dix commandements" des choses à ne pas faire (lors d'un premier rendez-vous), enfin disponible pour toi public.
Leçon 1 : 10 ways you shouldn't arrive.
Leçon 2 : 10 people you shouldn't bring with you.
Leçon 3 : 10 things you shouldn't wear.
Leçon 4 : 10 reasons not to take drugs (on a date).
Leçon 5 : 10 things you shouldn't say.
Leçon 6 : 10 Embarrassing moments you hope never happen.
Leçon 7 : 10 things you shouldn't do when you have her round for dinner.
Leçon 8 : 10 Things you shouldn't do before sex.
Leçon 9 : 10 Things you shouldn't say after sex.
Bonus : 10 Things you don't want to see in her bedroom.